Dr. Gueunet Charles

Dr. Gueunet Charles

Scientific Visualisation Engineer




I have a strong motivation to solve scientific data analysis issues on a singular field. In my carreer, I have had the chance to experiment intensive focus on a single project during my Ph.D; and the versatility required while navigating diverse client needs in my current position. It is time for me to push the boundaries of knowledge on a specific topic once again.

Work Experience

Work Experience

  • R&D EngineerKitware SAS

    Feb, 2019 - Present

    Lead developper in the Scientific Visualization team, my goal is to ensure the customer needs are fullfield while contributing to the well being of several open sources projects. This work is a good opportunity to discover diverse scientific fields and to interact with simulation experts. I am also highly involved in Kitware's training offer, and always glad to provide session regarding data visualization and processing or topological data analysis.

    • Scientific visualisation: Project lead

    • Projects: VTK, TTK, Vespa, ParaView, CMake

  • Ph.D StudentUPMC - Sorbonne Université, Kitware

    Dec, 2016 - Feb, 20192 years 2 months

    As a menmber of an international research team, my goal was to find new efficient algorithms to compute widely used topological abstractions. My works lead to a new familly of algorithm to compute several level set based abstractions. The corresponding scientific articles along with my maniscript are referenced below.

    • Scientific Visualisation: TDA

    • Projects: TTK, VTK, CMake

  • Research internUPMC - Sorbonne Université

    May, 2015 - Feb, 20168 months

    This internship was a prelude to the Ph.D to come, aimed at developping a first shared memory parallel algorithm to compute contour trees.

    • Research

    • TDA

  • InternNaturaBuy

    Apr, 2014 - Aug, 20144 months

    Naturauy is a French website for auction sales, leader in hunting, fishing and outdoor activities markets. During my internship, I was in charge of developping a new research bar with autmatic completion abilities. Once done, I aslo improved the CI and deployment tools of the website.

    • Web: backend, frontend



  • Scientific Visualisation

    Topological Data Analysis

    In-situ Analysis

    Distributed memory & SMP

    Data model

  • Communication

    Scientific writing

    Peer review

    Blog/Webinar creation

    Oral communication

  • High Performance Computing








  • Programming





  • Web





  • Management

    Project Architecture

    Tasks definition and estimation



  • Research in TDA & HPC, Doctorate, Sorbonne Université

    Dec, 2016 - Dec, 2019

  • Ingénierie informatique, spécialité Cloud Computing, Diplôme d'ingénieur, EISTI (CY Tech)

    Sep, 2010 - Aug, 2015




    Issued on: Jan 01, 2015

  • Voltaire, EISTI

    Issued on: Jan 01, 2015



  • In Situ In Transit Hybrid Analysis with Catalyst-ADIOS2 , WOIV'24

    Published on: May 16, 2024

    In this short paper, we present an innovative approach to limit the required bandwidth when transferring data during in transit analysis. This approach is called hybrid because it combines existing in situ and in transit solutions. It leverages the stable ABI of Catalyst version 2 and the Catalyst-ADIOS2 implementation to seamlessly switch from in situ, in transit and hybrid analysis without modifying the numerical simulation code. The typical use case is to perform data reduction in situ then generate a visualization in transit on the reduced data. This approach makes the numerical simulation workflows very flexible depending on the size of the data, the available computing resources or the analysis type. Our experiment with this hybrid approach, reducing data before sending it, demonstrated large cost reductions for some visualization pipelines compared to in situ and in transit solutions. The implementation is available under an open source permissive license to be usable broadly in any scientific community.

  • Catalyst-ADIOS2: In Transit Analysis for Numerical Simulations Using Catalyst 2 API , International Conference on High Performance Computing

    Published on: May 21, 2023

    In this article, we present a novel approach to bring in transit capabilities to numerical simulations which are already able to do in situ analysis with Catalyst 2. This approach combines the stable ABI of Catalyst 2, to replace the in situ backend at run-time, with a dedicated implementation that pushes data to the ADIOS2 SST Engine. At the end point of this engine, on the visualization nodes, the Catalyst 2 API calls are replayed using the Catalyst-ParaView implementation. This removes most of the blocking calls in the numerical simulation during output and analysis. This approach is released publicly under a permissive license and it opens lots of possibilities to improve performance of large numerical simulations by switching analysis backend without rebuilding the simulation code.

  • VESTEC: Visual Exploration and Sampling Toolkit for Extreme Computing , Journal: IEEE Access

    Published on: Jan 01, 2023

    Natural disasters and epidemics are unfortunate recurring events that lead to huge societal and economic loss. Recent advances in supercomputing can facilitate simulations of such scenarios in (or even ahead of) real-time, therefore supporting the design of adequate responses by public authorities. By incorporating high-velocity data from sensors and modern high-performance computing systems, ensembles of simulations and advanced analysis enable urgent decision-makers to better monitor the disaster and to employ necessary actions (e.g., to evacuate populated areas) for mitigating these events. Unfortunately, frameworks to support such versatile and complex workflows for urgent decision-making are only rarely available and often lack in functionalities. This paper gives an overview of the VESTEC project and framework, which unifies orchestration, simulation, in-situ data analysis, and visualization of natural disasters that can be driven by external sensor data or interactive intervention by the user. We show how different components interact and work together in VESTEC and describe implementation details. To disseminate our experience three different types of disasters are evaluated: a Wildfire in La Jonquera (Spain), a Mosquito-Borne disease in two regions of Italy, and the magnetic reconnection in the Earth magnetosphere.

  • Task-based Augmented Reeb Graphs with Dynamic ST-Trees , EGPGV 2019

    Published on: Jun 03, 2019

    This paper presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first parallel algorithm for the computation of the aug- mented Reeb graph of piecewise linear scalar data. Such augmented Reeb graphs have a wide range of applica- tions, including contour seeding and feature based segmentation. Our approach targets shared-memory multi-core workstations. For this, it completely revisits the optimal, but sequential, Reeb graph algorithm, which is capable of handing data in arbitrary dimension and with optimal time complexity. We take advantage of Fibonacci heaps to exploit the ST-Tree data structure through independent local propagations, while maintaining the optimal, linearithmic time complexity of the sequential reference algorithm. These independent propagations can be ex- pressed using OpenMP tasks, hence benefiting in parallel from the dynamic load balancing of the task runtime while enabling us to increase the parallelism degree thanks to a dual sweep. We present performance results on triangulated surfaces and tetrahedral meshes. We provide comparisons to related work and show that our new algorithm results in superior time performance in practice, both in sequential and in parallel. An open-source C++ implementation is provided for reproducibility.

  • High performance level-set based topological data analysis , Thesis manuscript

    Published on: Feb 15, 2019

    Topological Data Analysis requires efficient algorithms to deal with the continuouslyincreasing size and level of details of data sets. In this manuscript, we focus on threefundamental topological abstractions based on level sets: merge trees, contour trees andReeb graphs. We propose three new efficient parallel algorithms for the computationof these abstractions on multi-core shared memory workstations.The first algorithmdeveloped in the context of this thesis is based on multi-thread parallelism for thecontour tree computation. A second algorithm revisits the reference sequential algorithmto compute this abstraction and is based on local propagations expressible as paralleltasks. This new algorithm is in practice twice faster in sequential than the referencealgorithm designed in 2000 and offers one order of magnitude speedups in parallel. A lastalgorithm also relying on task-based local propagations is presented, computing a moregeneric abstraction: the Reeb graph. Contrary to concurrent approaches, these methodsprovide the augmented version of these structures, hence enabling the full extend of level-set based analysis. Algorithms presented in this manuscript result today in the fastestimplementations available to compute these abstractions. This work has been integratedinto the open-source platform: the Topology Toolkit (TTK).

  • Task-based Augmented Contour Trees with Fibonacci Heaps , IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

    Published on: Feb 13, 2019

    This paper presents a new algorithm for the fast, shared memory, multi-core computation of augmented contour trees on triangulations. In contrast to most existing parallel algorithms our technique computes augmented trees, enabling the full extent of contour tree based applications including data segmentation. Our approach completely revisits the traditional, sequential contour tree algorithm to re-formulate all the steps of the computation as a set of independent local tasks. This includes a new computation procedure based on Fibonacci heaps for the join and split trees, two intermediate data structures used to compute the contour tree, whose constructions are efficiently carried out concurrently thanks to the dynamic scheduling of task parallelism. We also introduce a new parallel algorithm for the combination of these two trees into the output global contour tree. Overall, this results in superior time performance in practice, both in sequential and in parallel thanks to the OpenMP task runtime. We report performance numbers that compare our approach to reference sequential and multi-threaded implementations for the computation of augmented merge and contour trees. These experiments demonstrate the run-time efficiency of our approach and its scalability on common workstations. We demonstrate the utility of our approach in data segmentation applications.

  • Topological Data Analysis Made Easy with the Topology ToolKit , Tutorial

    Published on: Jun 21, 2018

    This tutorial presents topological methods for the analysis and visualization of scientific data from a user's perspective, with the Topology ToolKit (TTK), a recently released open-source library for topological data analysis. Topological methods have gained considerably in popularity and maturity over the last twenty years and success stories of established methods have been documented in a wide range of applications (combustion, chemistry, astrophysics, material sciences, etc.) with both acquired and simulated data, in both post-hoc and in-situ contexts. While reference textbooks have been published on the topic, no tutorial at IEEE VIS has covered this area in recent years, and never at a software level and from a user's point-of-view. This tutorial fills this gap by providing a beginner's introduction to topological methods for practitioners, researchers, students, and lecturers. In particular, instead of focusing on theoretical aspects and algorithmic details, this tutorial focuses on how topological methods can be useful in practice for concrete data analysis tasks such as segmentation, feature extraction or tracking. The tutorial describes in detail how to achieve these tasks with TTK. First, after an introduction to topological methods and their application in data analysis, a brief overview of TTK's main entry point for end users, namely ParaView, will be presented. Second, an overview of TTK's main features will be given. A running example will be described in detail, showcasing how to access TTK's features via ParaView, Python, VTK/C++, and C++. Third, hands-on sessions will concretely show how to use TTK in ParaView for multiple, representative data analysis tasks. Fourth, the usage of TTK will be presented for developers, in particular by describing several examples of visualization and data analysis projects that were built on top of TTK. Finally, some feedback regarding the usage of TTK as a teaching platform for topological analysis will be given. Presenters of this tutorial include experts in topological methods, core authors of TTK as well as active users, coming from academia, labs, or industry. A large part of the tutorial will be dedicated to hands-on exercises and a rich material package (including TTK pre-installs in virtual machines, code, data, demos, video tutorials, etc.) will be provided to the participants. This tutorial mostly targets students, practitioners and researchers who are not experts in topological methods but who are interested in using them in their daily tasks. We also target researchers already familiar to topological methods and who are interested in using or contributing to TTK.

  • Task-based Augmented Merge Trees with Fibonacci Heaps , LADV 2017

    Published on: Oct 02, 2017

    This paper presents a new algorithm for the fast, shared memory multi-core computation of augmented merge trees on triangulations. In contrast to most existing parallel algorithms, our technique computes augmented trees. This augmentation is required to enable the full extent of merge tree based applications, including data segmentation. Our approach completely revisits the traditional, sequential merge tree algorithm to re-formulate the computation as a set of independent local tasks based on Fibonacci heaps. This results in superior time performance in practice, in sequential as well as in parallel thanks to the OpenMP task runtime. In the context of augmented contour tree computation, we show that a direct usage of our merge tree procedure also results in superior time performance overall, both in sequential and parallel. We report performance numbers that compare our approach to reference sequential and multi-threaded implementations for the computation of augmented merge and contour trees. These experiments demonstrate the runtime efficiency of our approach as well as its scalability on common workstations. We demonstrate the utility of our approach in data segmentation applications. We also provide a lightweight VTK-based C++ implementation of our approach for reproduction purposes.

  • Visualizing ensemble of Viscous Fingers , IEEE Vis 2016 (SciViz Contest)

    Published on: Oct 26, 2016

    This paper presents a topological data analysis framework based on persistent homology and Morse complexes for the visualization and analysis of ensemble data-sets representing viscous fingers. Our approach quantitatively corroborates the classical description of viscous fingers. A systematic analysis across several data resolutions indicates converging statistics as the resolution increases.

  • Contour Forests: Fast Multi-threaded Augmented Contour Tree , LDAV (IEEE)

    Published on: Aug 15, 2016

    This paper presents a new algorithm for the fast, shared memory multi-threaded computation of contour trees on tetrahedral meshes. In contrast to previous multi-threaded algorithms, our technique computes the augmented contour tree. Such an augmentation is required to enable the full extent of contour tree based applications, including for instance data segmentation. Our approach relies on a range-driven domain partitioning. We show how to exploit such a partitioning to rapidly compute contour forests. We also show how such forests can be efficiently turned into the output contour tree. We report performance numbers that compare our approach to a reference sequential implementation for the computation of augmented contour trees. These experiments demonstrate the run-time efficiency of our approach. We demonstrate the utility of our approach with several data segmentation tasks. We also provide a lightweight VTK-based C++ implementation of our approach for reproduction purposes.



  • Culture: Music, Theatre

  • Sport: Ballroom danse, Tennis, Running, Climbing, Golf

  • Technology: Open Source, System administration